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Fair mate
Hahahs if only you had ya bike with you
If I had my bike I woulda been out first thing 😂😂
Don’t blame you bro 😎🙌🏻🙌🏻
Could just be there right now haha
Settings and scenery
Hahaha love that 😎🙌🏻🙌🏻
Nice picture
Hello fellow jail bird
Cheers mate I love a pic off the bike on a view point haha
Definitely well captured 🙌🏻😎😎
My next life ima be a photographer 😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 why not make it now a little side hustle or just as a hobby
Hi Blaxe.
Maybe just maybe 😂, I’ll work on it hahaha
Hello 👋
Hahaha get it done bro
Onit, I hear money money money 😂😂😂
Hahaha 😂 definitely good money in it if put the work in etc
Yeah 100% mate
Hi fellow turtle
Wow nice, a dude in the picture looks like a great painting artist
Let me take u by the hand and walk the streets of London 🎶
Was mustard , that Pooor was sold before he started painting
Photo was sold
Mental init
Was for the mayor
That’s amazing 😎😎
I can’t paint to save my life if I’m honest 🤣🤣
He was doing a parade later that week , so artist had to be there for couple weeks painting background then wen mayor come on carriage he painted the mayor
Ohh wow that’s awesome
Hello Ohio boy
Hey Blaze
Same as that haha
Yeah he was telling me about it haha
Like he said tho , as it’s allready paid for there’s no room for mistake
Yeah well lot of pressure if he didn’t get it right
Wouldn’t even like to imagine tbh
No me either I would be raging with stress and anxiety 🤣🤣