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How’s you
Need want 😂
Im splendiferous thanks Horse , you should sleep
I genuinely didn’t have many things tbf 😂😂
I had like two pairs of trousers
Hello El and Jay x
Yeah won’t be far off it hopefully, glad you’re well 😎🙌🏻🙌🏻
When time passes, it usually passes on a clock that humanity created, to measure our experiences and moments in life. Now think of that for a second. Isn’t an amazing reflection? -Kamala
I’m so annoyed tho I got pyjama bottoms but they r such a gross material 😭
I payed like £20 per pair for like shein quality
Why am I seeing undies?
No clue
They r pyjama pants 😭
Like trousers 😂
>>> I’m so annoyed tho I got pyjama bottoms bu... Ikr
How do they feel
Like that gross material cheap merch is made from
Is the material water resistant
What a strange question
>>> What a strange question Thinking the same
>>> What a strange question Hm
Idk what u r thinking
Cos the material i dont like is
Why do men hurt?
You’re a charmer aren’t you
Odd indeed
Gm just drinking with the uncle
Milk being super helpful 😂
Haha cute El 😅
Im so confused
Awww El he's such a cutie
Heya anyone near Norfolk?
Weird chat
Lets see
If I wake up with acid reflux one more time I’m shoving my hand in a blender
Don’t think it would help the reflux though
Distract me from it though won’t it
I solemnly swear I am up to no good
Oh yeah it would
Milk has too many toys 😂😂