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Hobbys & Interessen/

☕️The Banter Hill

Slurp bby
Tingbuns 🍔
I have handled many buns today
I'll handle your buns bb
How's your first day
But it was good
Not looking forward to the weekend shifts this week though
I think you'll find joy in it
It's your thing
I try to
But 19:30-03:30 is maybe not my preferred working hours lmao
Dang strange hours
Night girl
I’ll be seeing a lot of hungry drunks
Are you working today
I am
First with young man then with old man
She's on fire 🔥 😍
Grease fire
I just showered
Hammer time ⏲️
Hellooo octo
How ya been?
Chowder boy 😍
All good brother I got long holiday coming soon
How's you
Oooooo hope its month long octo
Took decent naps earlier, still sleepy. Will resume later on
Mmm nap
Mmm nip
What are you doing to it
Whatever you want bb
Just stare at it intensely
Don’t blink