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CChristian Chat ✝️🕊️

Morning all. Gonna get back into exercising. ,The more I can get back to normal, the better.
Disc0rd app is nice?
Why were you abnormal?
>>> Disc0rd app is nice? It's crap
Because when I went through my break up, I wasn't normal for a while.
I like listening people’s issue life love
I like listening to people in general. Everyone has a story to tell.
Yes fun to listening
Praise the Lord everyone.
What's up everyone ?
Not bad
Doing good here, hows everyone?
Not bad
Tell me love story
This app just gone from appstore
Hellooo lovely people 🙂
Hi all.
Hi 👋
Ugh, I strongly dislike this web app. Is there any way to get notifications so I don't have to keep this thing open?
Get android
Lol I can't just do that. Plus, IOS has the superior screen reader.
Actually, I have a horrible android phone. Wonder if I can get that to work lol.
Define horrible
All I know about it is that it's an 80 dollar LG phone. Like the ones you get from Walmart.
Lol you never used it?
I did, for about a year. I did not like TalkBack, the screen reader, at all.
Oh ok
But I wonder if it would work for just this one app. Otherwise I have to keep this web app thingy open all day lol.
Something like that.
Try it
See if it works
I'll try it.
Yoooo Maddie!!
Sorry, my cute little baby grandma is named Maddie (my dog), got me super excited for some reason xD
>>> Yoooo Maddie!! HELLO there.
Hello from my ANDDROID phone. Gosh I forgot how bad this screen reader was.
The app has stopped on iPhone.😂🫰🏻
We are all aware of it.
Alright, so I'm being Ghetto about this. The android app has some accessibility problems, so I'm just using it for notifications 😂
So dose apple
I've never had a problem with VoiceOver and Apple. It's usually the developers who don't make their apps accessible.
Any single Christian guys wanna chat?