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Hey I’m from down by the beach in south Alabama! Anyone want to chat?
Hey! How’s your day going?
Hi how is everyone?
Hey Redeemed ✝️🇺🇸
Anyone around from Daphne or Fairhope?
Birmingham area here
Hey there how are you doing everyone 🤗🤗
Doing good Newbie m 6719ivj
How are you doing
I have a taboo confession
Me .\
Yall behaving here 👀
Sounds bout right
Anyone near Daphne or Fairhope
Why behave 😈
Good point 😇
I hate Alabama
I hate crimson red
And I hate how they yell "Roll Tide" When I got a Braves hat on my head And I love Lynyrd Skynyrd But Lord I hate Sweet Home
Well ima dawgs fan 😂
Anyone from the DaphneFairhope area?
No 😔
I swear no one is from the middle part of bama its either way north of gulf shores 😂
Anyone in Fayette county?
Anyone from Daphne or Fairhope?
Yeah for real I’m also in a weird place in Alabama
Anyone else near bham
Anyone from Daphne or Fairhope?
I'm from citronell
Not sure where that is
Hello there!
Near Huntsville hmu
Hey yall