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👋🏻 yay Alabama chat. 31 F
I’m 28 from gulf shores alabama!
Good Saturday morning everyone
Birmingham AL area here
Hi, I'm new here
How your night going Aries
It's going & Yours
Not to bad
That's good
Yeah just waiting to get off work
Good morning y'all
How's everyone's night going?
I am doing great and how are you tonight
I am still at work hahaha
That's good, I'm doing well
Lol, oh ok
That’s awesome
What are you up too tonight
Unwinding scrolling my phone lol
Always good to unwind
For sure
Good morning y'all
Good morning. It's coffee time
Coffee is great for sure
Good afternoon y'all
Hello everyone
Hello Betty
What's up
Hello and good freaking morning
I’m bored af
Dianneathena, this is your Anti Card for the next 30 min. Please share a story from your life which comes into your mind first when you look at it. Use the word Tough in your story.
No need for that. HMU
Hey I’m from down by the beach in south Alabama! Anyone want to chat?
Hey! How’s your day going?
Hi how is everyone?
Hey Redeemed ✝️🇺🇸
Anyone around from Daphne or Fairhope?
Birmingham area here
Hey there how are you doing everyone 🤗🤗
Doing good Newbie m 6719ivj
How are you doing