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Hobbys & Interessen/

📚The Library 🧐

I’ll bet that smells amazing
Anti added the California and Iowa rooms to my list today
But not Mississippi where I actually went 🥴
How is everyone today?
I got Ohio.
I got New York… again 🤦🏽‍♀️
I keep getting Washington
I kept trying to leave the Ohio room but it keeps adding me back so I figured I’d just join the conversation.
I did the same and they said anti is trying to tell me to move to New York lol
lol nice
I’ve also got Texas
I only seem to get randomly added to naughty rooms
I have never been placed in Texas
Texas is a pretty fun state
Good bbq
Yep, I’m from Texas so I know.
Good morning everyone.
Good morning y’all 😊☕️
Hey Lucy, did you start paradise?
My stack of next choices 📚 🤔
Which one did you pick?
Ok Lucy, me and gg watched paradise. Watching on you
I haven’t yet!
😂 ill watch it when i can get some me time
oh hi 👋
>>>📷 Great stack!
Hi everyone
I’ve never read any of his Star Wars novelizations, but Alan Dean Foster’s original novels are a lot of fun.
Especially the Pip & Flinx series, but the Icerigger trilogy was really good too.
Hi skies 😊
Hey, Luci.
Good morning everyone
Hi doc 😊
Y’all got anything good happening this weekend?
I’m just looking forward to not being responsible
😂 always good
It’s my daughter’s birthday weekend. Her actual birthday is Monday but she’ll be with her mom while I’m in Nashville.
So I’m celebrating with her this weekend.
Oh awesome, happy birthday to her! 🎉🎁
Hey everyone. How are you doing today?
Hey, Sanaz.
Hello 👋
Hi Sanaa 👋
Hi Sanaz
Hello there