Oh noooo, sorry they got funkified
I didn’t know there’s an app like that, I’ll have to check it out
Ok now I’m really going to bed 😂
Thanks for letting me talk y’all’s ears off! Goodnight.
You’re welcome to anytime
I think a library would be fun at night
Candles would be nice if they weren’t a fire hazard
It would be weird to stay there by myself though. My libraries have so many different ways in and out and extra rooms.
Did you read the Midnight Library?
I did, it was one of the books we read in book club
About 2 years ago I think
Maybe a future day, I could host a book trivia here? Maybe? For fun?
I remember giving it a 2.5
We rate 1-5 with 5 being the best
It was a quick read, a page turner. I finished the book. The story was interesting. It wasn’t particularly deep or complex. I’d give it a 4. I save 5 star for only books I would read again (I.e. Cloud Atlas) and 3 star is my lowest rating.
Some “great” books I can only get 50% and then give up. Is it me or the book?
You're very nice to your books
I am. It’s hard for me to rate 1 or 2 when I think about an author’s soul on the line
But if it’s a 1 or 2, I just didn’t rate it
Example: Gnomen. I really liked this book but could not would not make it past the half way point (Nick Harkaway)
Same with The Wind in the Willows
I think Wind in the Willows was assigned to my daughter.
What do you mean you never read?
I have not read any of those books
Well, those are just two examples of books found… chewy
I get it. I used to do that. But I'm better at finishing books now
Night, Doc. Have a good read-sleep
No trick, sorry I am not judging you.