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Cheers to that
I’m just a night owl, only time I’m really free
I can relate
I like night-time
Night time and light rain are a mood for me
Fan of the moody cyberpunk aesthetic. Idk why
If it’s daytime thou I have a more sweater hippy look im into
Yeah, I talk too much though. Need to learn to shut up
Idk, someone poke me if you’re actually a chatterbox too
I'm not a chatterbox
You just need to be yourself
Apparently being myself is kinda lame
Maybe it is just in your head
Being yourself is never being lame
being genuine is never lame
even if people dont like it
People who say they don’t like it when ur being yourself wouldn’t like you when you aren’t anyway
Well said moss.
Appreciate the positive words
Think I’m just bummed out for the night
I am adhd and dyslexic
An interesting combo
I mean that’s fair but then again i understand where they’re coming from
its ok to not be liked by everyone
or even by most people
a lot of people dont like me but ik im always real and thats more important
Yes being really is always important
If some one gotta like you it’s better they like you for who you are
I like real people not fake ass people … probably that’s why I don’t have any friends
No wonder depression is such a common issue
i think most people value when someone is being genuine, but a lot of people cant tell when someone is being fake with them
and a lot of people are willing to be fake to benefit themselves
Apparently I just seem more normal when I’m not in a good mood, according to some folks. Like somehow being happy is obnoxious
Does anybody know a username here Taru???
I am scopeo
The king is here ♌️