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Vztahy & Sociální/

🎀🧸Middles' Happy Place🧸🎀

Throwing jabs n calling me a junkie
Now now don’t get hung up on something
Let’s run it back some
If it’s a joke…sure
Don’t get defensive n play victim
Dude I’ll joke all day with you n you wouldn’t be able to tell when it’s a joke or a jab 😬
I understand such things because i do the same
However, i don’t personally know u and haven’t been here in a while
There is such a thing as room etiquette n respect
Personally you don’t need to know me 🤷🏼‍♂️
It’s NOT my room but i was entrusted with the responsibility of keeping the peace
Now, let’s start over
Hi…u can call me maui🤓
You started it 🤷🏼‍♂️
So…i can end it👀
🤦🏼‍♂️ can you tho. Without the ban button 🤔
How’s that🤣
No homo though
Too harsh👀
You choice of “homo” lifestyle is yours. It don’t affect me 🤷🏼‍♂️
Whas going on in here 😠
Panda no can chats in here?
I lowered the wall for you friend.
Hellos panda! How's you?
why piggy ands da mew fighty thish say happy pwace! nu fighty pwace 😤
I nunos what happened but I knows piggy Issa good oink oink. I nunos the kitty
🤷🏻 no nos toos *as ask how da awi ish* 🤔
I goods. I taked lots of naps today so I'm still up.
naps an cofee 🤭
Isn't panda supposed to be sleeps 👀
thish is wecowded message 👉🏻👈🏻
Iss otays I happy to sees the panda
me tooked nap 🙃
Haha otays.
Panda not sleepy?
nu nu me wakeys
Whas you doing?
watchy ideos 😁
Oh nice. Funny ones or learning ones?
space von
Ooh nice.
Hello everyone