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🎀🧸Middles' Happy Place🧸🎀

Hellos friends!
Hi Ali ☺️
Hello shield👋
Hi xBOUNCERx🖤🇵🇼 👀 are you hiding?
No…that’s just how i greet rooms
Wait, wdym hiding👀
Oh you get alot of eye 👁️ pokes is what I thought 🤭
*pokey piggy n run way*
Leave Bacon alone! Meanie! 🤭
Oops, I meant Bouncer
Happy Valentine’s Day lovelies 🤗🥰
Happy Valentine’s Day
*poke tha woofy* 🤭🤭🤭
*wonders who got poked*
*pokes chu again*
^little birdie bones
💩 wha weft of woofy 😌
Happy Valentine’s day
fwuffy beaw dancy thish is fwilly fwilly nights doodoo doo doodoo dooo
Yeeh yeeh
I mean…doo doo doo u boo
*uwps* UWP 🤭
*pokes Mr Trouble*
*poke evey von an hide*
Morning all
Hellos friends
Whas the matter with my friend 🥺
**places out a slippery when wet floor sign**
me hab booboo