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🌞FACTS 🌎🪐🌊☄️

Wow 🐸🚀🇧🇷 They are intriguing, there is more, their inability to jump and their clumsy way of landing. They always launch themselves into the air,Instead of landing on their feet, ready for the next jump, they spin out of control and hit the ground on their back or head.
That is due to their miniature stature. Hippity hoppity! 🐸
Christopher Columbus nicknamed papayas as the “Fruit of the Angels.” An enzyme named Papain is extracted from papayas which is known to be an excellent meat tenderizer and is used in the manufacture of chewing gums.
The Sound of Butterflies! 🦋🎶 Did you know that butterflies can "hear" with their wings? These incredible creatures have sensory structures on their wings that detect sounds and vibrations.This helps them sense predators and other dangers in their environment. Although they don't hear sounds in the same way as mammals, their ability to perceive vibrations may be essential to their survival.
The Antennae Galaxies 🌌 are a pair of interacting galaxies in the constellation Corvus. They are currently going through a starburst phase, in which the collision of clouds of gas and dust with entangled magnetic fields, causes rapid star ⭐️ formation.
A "fire rainbow" has been recorded in Brazil. The effect is rare and is caused by the refraction of sunlight in the ice crystals of a cloud, called cirrus.
The first Jack-o-Lanterns 🎃 weren’t made from pumpkins at all. They were made from turnips! When Irish emigrants moved to America, they found pumpkins much more suitable for carving than turnips, and the modern Jack o’ Lantern was born.🎃 Morton, Illinois is considered the “Pumpkin Capital of the World.”
Taken by French inventor Joseph Niépce, he captured this image using heliography which involved an exposure time of around eight hours. This is the earliest surviving photograph of a real-world scene.
I found, Egan!
So cute hahahaha.
Squeak. Breathe. Spin. Conquer. Repeat. 🌬️🔁🐹
The ideal routine is Scream, Breathe, Spin… and conquer the fridge! What do you say we fly over there and grab some pizza? 🍕🦅😂
Let’s go Sabby!
Someone say pizza? I’m there!
Hey! You caught me eating my dinner! You’re everywhere. Sneaky little hamster.
Wheely cute and full of mischief! Squeak!🐹😝
Definitely full of mischief as most cute creatures are. That’s how you get away with all your antics. By being cute. 😂
This behaviour shows that fish can respect social rules even in emergency situations, unlike us humans. 😌
Hahah! Absolutely!
Hello🙋‍♂️ egan🥳
Bunskey how are you doing?
All good👍 thank you
I’m doing well,pretty busy, but that’s nothing new. Good to see you back. 👍🏻
Thank you🌹
Fact: Cows have a four-chambered stomach 🐮 Cows are ruminants, meaning they have a specialized digestive system that helps them break down grass and other vegetation that other animals are unable to eat.