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💖Christian Love 🫂✞🙏🏼

Yahweh, so where were you going with the question
You have yet to say the Lord God's name.
And you can answer mine now, why do you believe in sola scriptura when Christ or the church’s didn’t teach it?
I did …
Jesus Christ is the name of my Heavenly Father. He is Lord and God. He is the King of Kings. He is ruler over me, you, every soul and every evil. You didn't say the Lord's name correctly because you simply do not know the Lord.
It’s not theologically accurate to say Christ is your Heavenly Father
There's power in the name of Jesus Christ. Power to overcome evil, to defeat every devil, to be victorious.
You should take your own advice …
I know you are done. You can go now.
No because it wouldn’t be accurate to say Jesus … all this yapping and you don’t even know the basics
See why it’s good to have dialogue? Now you’ll look back in your bible and learn something new
And don’t give me credit, give God the credit
Jesus Christ is the name in which all are saved from sin and spiritual death. Jesus Christ is my Heavenly Father's name. I know him for myself.
Yahweh is the Heavenly Fathers name
I'll never deny the name of Jesus Christ as Lord, Savior and God.
Good, but that’s not what I’m disagreeing with you on
If Jesus is your Heavenly Father then who is the Father?
As I told you, your opinions are just that; your opinions and nothing more.
You didn’t answer my question
Is it that you think Jesus is the father or do you merely speak of his fatherly role?
Happy Sunday everyone. God Bless🤗
I hope everyone had a great day☺🤍😇 It's been beautiful and blessed by God on my end. 🙌 Thank and praise the Lord for every blessing.
Hey y'all
Any other moms here?
Hello guys☺️
I hope you guys are having a wonderful Wednesday. Stay warm and safe 💖🤗
Hello quiet people 😆 Hows everyone doing?
Hi Lala 🤗, I've been offline lately. But I'm well. I pray all is well with you also. Bless you all 🙏🏽❤️
Hello all, how are you?
>>> Hi Lala 🤗, I've been offline lately. But ... Hello💖🤗Same here. I understand. Thanks to God, all is well. I pray the same for you🙏
Happy Monday everyone 🥰How's it going? I hope you're having an outstanding day.
Just excited for spring to get here!
Hello there y'all 😁
“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” ‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬
hi y'all
Hey DeeDee
Hi everyone....
Hello all😊
>>> Just excited for spring to get here! AB, I'm excited for Spring season as well. What's weather like?
““Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭4‬:‭11‬ ‭
Happy Saturday Sabbath lovelies 😇🥰💖 Let us love like Jesus, share the gospel, and be content with all that the Lord God allows and blesses us with. Have a great day.