ngl i loved the peace haha. but i’m rlly happy now so i can’t complain 💓
but ya know 10k karma just ain’t worth it bruh
worse case senario, i could of had yellow chat instead of green 💀
i am tryna eat healthier myself, but i would of said eat it if ya can
can’t relate, i am perfectly happy
idk but i need to stop being on anti late at night
everytime i am, crazy ish happens
it does when i am in groups anyway
some men just hit different
i used to be like that and then tried a few months ago. i actually ended up being the one pushed away lol. tried again recently and things is way better
but if something else and a guy don’t do it again. then forgiving sure
it depends on what he did
cheating then no second chance
you been apologizing for a sandwich 🤣