Gonna give it to a guy that pays you first 😂😂😂
>>> How are uu cookie 🍪🫶
I'm ok. Scraping along lol
I spent my evening putting up posters
>>> Hope y’all gon slide in to see diks when I...
Lol. That reads wrong
>>> お疲れ様でした~-Thank you for your hard work~
I'm confused. What hard work?
I might sleep in my car during lunch time
Or I go in a little later
>>> Sleeping in the car is the best 😴
Risk i might get seen
But better than sleeping at my desk lol
I was told of a fat woman before I started. She would fart and wake herself up 😂😂
>>> Better than being seen f*cking in the car 🚗
No chance of that 😂😂