No. That’s an incorrect, broad assumption.
So, who here is a fan of the Hazbin Hotel series? I finally got around to watching it, and it has the most accurate depiction of angels I’ve seen in years!
Angels are horrific! They pride themselves on being the “good guys”, only to go around acting like sociopaths.
I’d like to hear some opinions about the news story about the North Carolina man, famous for his “thank you Jesus” signs, who has been arrested for SAing little girls.
Alas, it seems this group has perished.
Perished. Kicked the bucket. Surrendered the ghost, and joined the choir invisible.
Ceased to be, it rests in peace.
How about I criticize all Abrahamic religions, is that fair?
Ah! That takes significant amount of research, as the religions are nothing like their original concepts.
I don’t subscribe to any of the Abrahamic religions.