Wanda bb deleteeeee plssssss
>>> soo what am i looking at then 🧐
Do you see boobas?
>>> wifey J they are there wtf
Lmao i see flat boobas
>>> Wym where??
Yas where?!?!?!?!?
>>> Well I wish I’m my face but you too far aw...
You're your face? Wot
>>> they’re perfect size
🥹🥹🥹 but I donut haveee
>>> i see cleavage which indicated boobas. wha...
Oh what a smort scientist. However, you have eye problems
>>> i most certainly do not
You do you do!
>>> I wish I had boobs
Do chest
Wow. That eye is something
I want purple eyes like Khaleesi uwu
Bai m wifey. Lemme follow yoy