the stay away from she'll fck ur sht up all day forever if u go near her type crazy
>>> So all short women are crazy, but not all ...
u got it
not ALL but 90% of the time
the bad crazy is a woman who likes to argue all the time for no legit reason and shes dumb af
and until u can catch her on her dumb sht behind ur back u cant control her. but when shes caught she'll know she has to chill out and listen to u now
i thought it was proven everyone actually has adhd and adhd is also bullsht
yes when u catch her red handed on her crazy wild sht to her face she knows she has to stop being so crazy or she'll get slapped the fck out of a good life
the art of controlling crazy h0es
no but she wont be ready to make her move yet and she still relies on u so she cant act out
thats what the crazy ones do
nobody was talking about love
once u know she's crazy u wont love her for sht
but sometimes even guys are too stupid to spot a fckgirl when they see one but thats usually a women phenomenon regarding boys
>>> Besides Die Hard, what other Christmas mov...
silent night
the grinch x rated version
glen gary glen ross