they have to be feigned, huh? genuinely nice can't be done? you're hanging with the wrong people.
that's not funny or cute. just misogynist and sad.
calling a woman a bltch in her wedding is misogynist. and gross.
his word choice is, by definition, misogynist. unless you don't know what misogyny is. it's ok if you don't. but you should learn.
men who aren't misogynists don't choose that label.
lovely. erudite.brilliant.
I couldn't gaf. words have meaning. choose what you want.
words have meanings. when someone is telling you who they are, you should believe them .
best of luck with all of that. I'm sure it's all going to turn out just great.
how long have you been married?
well, I'm sure that overbearing is just the best. good luck!