Is here china doll available 😄
>>> is it loxi or loki
Loki, the God of Mischief
>>> we got more visitors because we're on feat...
Yes congratulations
>>> how are you loki?
I am fine. Thank you. How about you
>>> where are you from?
Bangladesh. And you are from Indonesia?
>>> im good, just sleepy
Take some nap
>>> i am, loki
Nice to meet you Anona
>>> loki do you fast?
Yes its ramadan
>>> coba terjemahan-try translation
It works
Ok guys. Thanks. See you again. Have fun
>>> Kau Mau gue cowok or cewek-Do you want me ...
Lol how come
>>> aduh mau yant manis manis 😖-oh I want som...
Hi anona