Since I texted him at 3pm on Monday
He's been online and silent
What do I do ?
I will delete his number and move on
>>> Leave that door open for someone who will ...
Thank you
>>> And if he responds (which he will), don’t ...
Yes, I did block him
Thanks ❤️
>>> Hope you find the next person and they tru...
Thank you .I wish I started dating earlier in life.
I was focusing on achieving my goals.
Now that I am 30 I am discovering that finding true love isn't easy
Thanks everyone for being nice
Yeah 😊
This experience really out a dent on my self-esteem and made me feel like I am not good enough.
But thanks to you guyS.
I am going to take a break on looking for love and focus on self love and building my confidence again.
>>> And you have achieved great things, be pro...
Yep. Will focus on myself first.
Will jump into the dating pool a little bit later
Focusing on the things that make me happy ❤️
I feel better already ❤️😇 thanks everyone