Oh fugg that sucks D: how inconvenient!
Oh wow it lets me say fuck now?
Yeah we got everything moved. I drove a crap ton this past week and I’m so just zapped today so oz said i could be a potato and we’ll get stuff put away and unpacked this week. He’s still back in Indiana staying with his family and saying bye to his friends.
I’m just smoking, drinking a red bull and playing zombies. Watching sopranos lmao
Becuz the country is a dumpster fire and we have to deal with half of them full stop trying to positively explain every single move as some grand plan instead of just what it actually is.. idiocy and chaos meant to distract from the dismantling of the country.
I wanna drink but I’m not going to and gunna stick to weed and war crimes in the version of video games to continue to distract lmao.
I’m gunna make dinner soon too. Pizza pasta, breadsticks and side salad
Nice pandie that sounds pretty good
Yeah that’s probably not a good idea