Like me and my bf were playing video games and I said a few choice words and he started crying and pressing me how I can’t say stuff like that no more like be fr it’s slang I’m not gunna change for ur comfort 😂
People need to grow a pair and just keep it pushing and worry about things that actually matter like why is groceries so expensive now that’s disrespectful😂
Aw thank you , u can just call me Sammie tho ☺️
That’s the app 😂 there a sprinkle of cool people on here tho
It’s cuz it’s soo early later on better people come on here
My problem is is a lot of his grew up, saying these words and they expect us to filter ourselves when it’sliterally part of our vocabulary now
Like I wouldn’t use those words in a professional setting obviously but like people around me that I grew up with crying about my vocabulary is crazy
And the cancel culture I feel like takes things too far they just need to grow a pair idk 😂
Even pronouns, I don’t understand or how there’s so many different sexes now lol bothers me I got in trouble at work for calling a they them ma’am how tf am i supposed to know ur mentally unstable by looking at u if you look like a sir or ma’am, I will notify you as that 😂
Plus, that sentence is weird. “Hey they you dropped them keys. “
I probably will. It’s happened so many times.
I used to have so much karma, but I’ll say a little things that I shouldn’t getbanned for because it’s just speaking my mind but I end up getting banned anyways because people are so sensitive and I just don’t get it. I genuinely I’m just trying to understand.
Girl, we’re living in the devil’s ass right now. I’m ready for it to be hoodie season
I can’t wait for Halloween
See even people messed up Halloween
Now that I think about it
Not with this heat 😂 I need it to cool down like my soul😂