Darn I was gonna troll by messaging creamy
Eh I don’t wanna, my motivation is gone :
Yeah it’s been almost a year since I’ve had more than a random spurt… it’s life though
I’m scared of women, only reason I tried messaging you is cuz of your name 😅
Then you’d know it wasn’t a serious pm lol
I’ve never seen that avatar before
@aubrie is that a paid for one?
I feel like I’ll be stuck with this bunny forever
You’ve got a decent stockpile
Are you just naming things you see or do you really love the lamp?
They’re just begging for money
Asking for food is the same thing, you can’t directly send food usually so it’s begging for money
I told them food shelves are free
Jeez that’s expensive lol
I was hit with “oh you can’t help it’s such an odd request”
Yeah it’s why I blocked them
They’ll get banned eventually