sheesh I only 🤮 if I don’t stop at my limit
I prefer shots over anything else. But I’ll have a margarita here and there
Lmao yeah I’ve had those times which is how I get black out 😭
neither have I lol. I only drink them when I go out to eat
I hardly go out tbh I’d rather stay home and MAYBE have a friend over. Keyword is maybe lol
Nothing wrong with being an introvert.
What exactly do you mean by this lol
LMAOO and here I am living in Indiana while yall live in important states😂
Lmfaooo that’s funny asf but terrible at the same time
Nothing special about it . Kinda sucks
I’m in Indianapolis it’s a big city
the city is great I think.
There’s a lot more to do in a city.
yeah there’s a lot of opportunities in the city wether that be job opportunities, or even trying new foods.
And yeah you can meet lots of people. There’s many clubs, and even the library lol. There’s always a crowd out here for each individual person
I deliver food when I’m drunk to prevent drinking and driving lol that’s about it tho
Internet friends and irl friends, huge difference in the two lol 😭 trust.
yea meaning so I don’t drive to get food while I’m drunk I just order food to be brought to me lol
I would walk, but a young woman walking alone at night in a big city isn’t a good idea lol
not everyone is looking to settle down
Well when you have a job and work all day, 12 hour shifts, it can be hard to find the free time or motivation to want to be social outside in the real world. So the internet is a good place to do that without having to leave the house lol
lol everyone likes what they like. Personally I think the city is great for people who actually enjoy getting out of the house sometimes. Or have jobs opportunities
yes I have. But I enjoy the staff I’m surrounded by and the pay rate so I stay put
I’m a behavioral health tech lol so I could really go anywhere and do my work in any facility but I just don’t. I’d rather be where I’m comfortable at