At the doc hoping they'll be able to figure this issue out! My workout was cut short last night because the pain was a 12! Insane
>>> Hallo 🖖🏼
Ope, theres my bestest gymbro 😎
Leggiez are going to heaven. Say prayers
Oh yeah bro, i just had one of the best leg night i can remember. I just had an infection under my cuticle. And i went to the doctor to get it drained.
When he poked around in there he poked aome of the nerves and i could feel it in my shoulder. So i just worked lower body and my god dude. Oh it feels so good. I had one of the best leg pumps ive ever had. I could see some quad separation, and even my hammies got pumped enough for me to see. Im really excited about my leg development. And just my overall strength in general. Ive never been this strong my whole life!
Ima doing okay! Embracing the day!
Basically I sent a message talking about my body fat %
Well i really didn't have one. But i was hoping to be around 14% 16 at the highest.. no.. im a chubbster
Im not really too like worried about it. I was just talen back a little. I think I'd like to be between 12-14% just strong and athletic.
What are you wild critters up to? Anyone getting these pumsp?