Hehe; his sleepy; his been like that ever-since I've known him; tankeee 🫂🫂🫂 😓
What are you saying tankee 🤔 😓
OMG; I don't understand you; shhhhh; go to sleep sweetie. 😰
OMG tankee; you'll regret sleep conversing here 😴 😢
Byeee all and tankeee; hope you sleep soon; sweetie. 😰
Eish; his just a great friend; I love annoying him. 😭
Eish; I have a partner IRL; he knows; I love annoying tankee 🙄 😥
Omg; eish; bye; I'm going to make popcorn; and watch my shows. 😰
Tankeeeee; how u; hehe 😜 😰
Hehe; I good tooooo; hehe 😰
Hehe; nuuuuuuuuuuuu; how have you been sweetie? 😰
I'm goooodieeeee tooo thanks 😊 nerdie; hehe 😭