>>> dhektek wslat lhna
Nti kib9iti alm7sada
Machi 7choma t7ssdi yass mskin
>>> 7asdaah cause I couldnt make you laugh lik...
I don't think anyone will make me laugh as he did
What are we going to do without mari
Yass ichof Casablanca 2 7da red
Chamaliyin binatkom o mamfahminch
>>> no ty ion wanna get my hands dirty
Please do
>>> fam am joking why u acting tough
You have competition now
>>> Cavaa spanker
Cava bta Mzyan kighadi m3a siyam
>>> Mzyan mkhayar wenta
Bikhir hamdolilah
>>> L9it mrati katkhonni f ramadan o db tzyrt ...
Khod 3liha nadra khayba
Taklo mayjik jo3 tal 2030