Speed of light squared, changed the equation
I thought the main axis in the equation was just the square of the speed of light, nothing else, lol.
Don't forget to take into account the density of the other medium in which the light will propagate.
Especially if it is water because its density is high
>>> It's so weird haha
>>> Gotta make up your mind hahaha
It was exciting I like it 😂
>>> That preserves my sense of angular velocit...
I love talking about physics and mathematics
>>> It was a veritasium video he probably do a...
You did a great job bro 👏👌✨✨
I read that water itself is the strangest substance in its three states.
It is the only substance whose solid state is lighter than its liquid state.
>>> As the temperature of a black body decreas...
That's why I don't wear black shirts in summer hahahaha