I love that there is an introverts room cuz that speaks to me a lot being an introvert myself although I must admit there's times where I feel like I can be extroverted to an extent
I wonder zz dog why you feel your job is boring? What do you do?
My job has definitely not been boring, but usually highly stressful being a Customer Svc rep in a call center can be a real bummer oftentimes.
Oh I see, but to me being an it would be fascinating as a matter of fact it's something I've been thinking about.
That's interesting I would think it would be more fascinating than anything. What makes it such a headache?
Let me guess it's probably red tape like company policy BS
i agree wholeheartedly, if they're doing something stupid i feel like you're only helping if you point it out in a helpful way if possible, so hopefully they'll learn better from it. I don't usually believe in spreading that around either unless its particularly malicious or egregious