I would be all excited and brought her Trader Joe’s flowers too
Just wear thick pants so the bears don’t smell the blood
I heard bears are attracted to the smell
I can gift you with a poem
I know you left me for that lame..
To be continued writers block
I’m confused with your niceness rn but I’ll accept it
Hmmmmmm she just don’t wanna go to jail
Kota you have to be on your cycle to go out with me I’m confused
I want an offensive nickname from Kota
When you have mommy issues you definitely can take women’s criticism better than most.
I pull heat in them pokemon packs
I’m safe kota you can take me to Popeyes
It’s a date let me tell my mom.
Yeah I could tell but I know you mean it
Kota in the player Haters ball awards
Kota do you really look like a tanned and thicker abella danger? I heard that.
He just left his love dungeon after an all night session and the man wants waffles to carb up
I’m a nerd… would I be welcomed?
Hey ladies my prefrontal cortex is fully developed.
Just sayin
It gets better king trust me I been there. Stay the course trust the process