Bratty goth girl hmu. Hot af!
That's your brother in a wig?
I don't seewhy we need a 2nd pic of your bro but okay
>>> We didn’t need a 1st but whatever
😂😂 this is also true
Ah no mya don't do that. The fish will unzip again...
Me when she's getting ready to sit on my face
You could clap without using your hands
>>> Go back to nap ,its 10pm here so imma join ya
It's 8am here, do I nap too?
>>> Deal ,i'll be the little spoon
This mf insists on showing us his bro hub
>>> It's Monday....I have to go to work....NOW
Monday here too but it's a piblic holiday
>>> Ain't it one may 1st
It might be where you are but it isn't here haha