برأيي الثورة المصرية تحصيل حاصل بإذن الله، سيأتي اليوم الذي ينتقل فيه الطوفان إلى الشارع المصري ليجرف معه السيسي وجوقته من إعلاميين وممثلين وفاسدين وسماسرة.. يرونه بعيدًا ونراه قريبا!
من سنن الله في كونه أن سقوط الطغاة يكون على حين غفلة وهم في عز قوتهم وجبروتهم وطغيانهم، كالنمرود وفرعون وقارون وأبو جهلٍ وغيرهم من الطغاة عبر التاريخ. السيسي طغى وتجبر وظنَّ أنه لن يقدر عليه أحد، ولكن والله ستكون نهايته من اسوأ النهايات التي عرفها التاريخ.
هلع واستنفار من المجرمين واستباقبهجوم المعيز "إحنا مش سوريا" بعدما كانت بالأمس "مش احسن ما نبقى زي سوريا؟"، إعلان حالة التأهب القصوى واستدعاء المنجمين ليخبرونا أن "بكرة أحلى" والتقاط صور القيادات ليبدو المشهد متماسكاً رغم فوضويته
أيها المريب لا تقول خذوني
سجل معي
* لقمة في فم العباد خير من شراء شجرة الميلاد
* إطعام البشرية خير من الألعاب النارية
* الانفاق على المجاعات خير من الانفاق على الاحتفالات
* لقمة في بطن جائع خير من تزيين الشوارع
أهل السنة هم العملاق النائم
هذا العملاق تحرك حركة بسيطة في الشام حررت البلاد في 13 يوماً
كيف لو استيقظ هذا العملاق من مرقده على العالم واجتاح القارات
إن هذا اليوم قادم بإذن الله.
What did you do on New Year's Eve, you secular enlighteners? Did you go around the poor and spend your money on scientific research? The answer: No, we got drunk until the morning and spent billions of dollars in the capitals of the world on fireworks, harassed women, and robbed people until the streets were overflowing with waste...
What did you do on New Year's Eve, you secular enlighteners? Did you go around the poor and spend your money on scientific research? The answer: No, we got drunk until the morning and spent billions of dollars in the capitals of the world on fireworks, harassed women, and robbed people until the streets were overflowing with waste...،
سجل معي
* لقمة في فم العباد خير من شراء شجرة الميلاد
* إطعام البشرية خير من الألعاب النارية
* الانفاق على المجاعات خير من الانفاق على الاحتفالات،
* لقمة في بطن جائع خير من تزيين الشوارع
The mass graves in which hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims are piled up who were killed while their hands and feet were tied.. and the bones of the victims have not yet decomposed.. and they will be witnesses to their killers one day.. when the Creator of the universe declares his authority on a day of resounding calamity.
On a day.. when people will gather..
If people were certain of this day they would not have done it and we would be living in an age of true atheism and stupid materialism that has blinded the eyes and insights.. We ask God for safety.
From the book A Visit to Heaven and Hell.
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud
Criticizing the hypocrisy of America's fires:
Why is it easy to sympathize with millionaires who lost their homes, those who can afford to pay for them, but not with the people of Gaza who will never get their children and limbs back? Tell me why you've seen posts in solidarity with Los Angeles from people who ignored innocent children?.
God will reward the patient people of Gaza with a clear victory, but as for these Zionists, their internal wars and inevitable conflicts will begin, and you will see them eating each other. The Al-Aqsa flood changed the world, and the signs and evidence are daily, and only those with insight can see them.
Criticizing the hypocrisy of America's fires:
Why is it easy to sympathize with millionaires who lost their homes, those who can afford to pay for them, but not with the people of Gaza who will never get their children and limbs back? Tell me why you've seen posts in solidarity with Los Angeles from people who ignored innocent children?...
God will reward the patient people of Gaza with a clear victory, but as for these Zionists, their internal wars and inevitable conflicts will begin, and you will see them eating each other. The Al-Aqsa flood changed the world, and the signs and evidence are daily, and only those with insight can see them.
Criticizing the hypocrisy of America's fires:
Why is it easy to sympathize with millionaires who lost their homes, those who can afford to pay for them, but not with the people of Gaza who will never get their children and limbs back? Tell me why you've seen posts in solidarity with Los Angeles from people who ignored innocent children?..
God will reward the patient people of Gaza with a clear victory, but as for these Zionists,their internal wars and inevitable conflicts will begin, and you will see them eating each other. The Al-Aqsa flood changed the world, and the signs and evidence are daily, and only those with insight can see them...
قال الله تعالى في القرآن الكريم (وَمَنْ يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ الْإِسْلَامِ دِينًا فَلَنْ يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِي الْآخِرَةِ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ) سورة آل عمران رقم الاية ٨٥
وقال رسول الله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( والذي نفسي بيده لا يسمع بي أحد من هذه الأمة يهودي ولا نصراني ثم يموت ولم يؤمن بالذي أرسلت به إلا كان من أصحاب النار ) رواه مسلم ( 153 )
لا تكونن عونا للشيطان على أخيك!
قال الصحابي ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه:
إذا رأيتم أخاكم قد اقترف ذنبا
فلا تكونوا أعواناً للشيطان عليه،
تقولوا:أخزاه الله،قبحه الله !
ولكن قولوا: تاب الله عليه، غفر الله له
"وسلوا الله العافية"..
الطبراني في مكارم الأخلاق٣٥
الزهد لابن المبارك ٨٩٦