Surely even if it was AI there would be 2 sets of messages
I'm still debating the easter egg
In new Orleans... they calllllllllled the rising suuuun
If I blink long enough I'll be asleep
>>> It's only half ten
No this is any time...
I can literally fall asleep that easily
I can be snoring within 5mins... then people panick I've stopped breathing when my snoring stops
My naps turn into a solid 4-5hour sleep
And I'll still sleep like a baby later that night
All this talk of naps is making me sleepy
>>> Lucky you
I've rubbed cream on her too js
I'm getting mattress envy
>>> Very good at moderatingya body temp
I need this mattress
Right all the bed and sleep talk, I'm going to not dream of spiders
Gnight everyone I like 🫶 if you have to ask, I don't.