That's true. Costco eggs sell out within monutes of opening
I am pretty sure the Costco food court is at a loss though they sell to balance products
the brilliant strategy behind costco is that they're not making kirkland brand competitor to their top sales brands. Costco now nearly has a kirkland for most if not anything that sells in their store (eg. VitamineWater , Kirkland brand Vitamin water)
The costco food court is almost used as a cream on top for membership. $1.50 hot dog, i don't think that's changed ever since i can remember
Yeah costco makes profit at bulk. All those Kirlkland brand products are quality and they use competitor products to test the market then build a kirkland prand product and compete with it
It's a brilliant business model they've made and very sustainable for marker product gauging and long term benefit as a member.
Yes it was known as Price club though similar methodoloy Costco cost company
Yeah costco busniess model is crazy smart. They're using off brands to gauge the market on demand and bring kirkland models of it to compete
yeah the $1.50 hot dog is legendary. It should't change