Yes give me all the ruined emotionally baggage women
Maybe I’m ugly too the world may never know
I was married once 1010 won’t do it again
I used to think I would but now I’m not sure if I would ever go through with that, I’ve been on my own for a while now and it’s not terrible
Definitely chose the wrong one, together for like 7 years I think
Crabs you can have your wine, no wedding unless you find me my Gal Gadot
I don’t recommend marriage divorce is gross
I honestly felt that with the Canadian but she wasn’t in the headspace for a relationship which I respect it was just hard
Mine took 6 months because I gave my ex wife whatever she wanted I just kept the house
At that point I didn’t care about anything, she was the unfaithful one and I just wanted it to be over
Her and I are friends now which is wild to me
We share a gremlin I have to lol
And her life has been kinda sad since we split so I feel bad
Yeah it kinda makes you not really want to put yourself out there again honestly, nobody wants that pain
Love is just a chemical imbalance in the brain
I deleted the app months ago now all I have is web🥲