Seal only Ure Dalit 🤡😜 biatch
Just u seal Ure lower caste 🤡 biatch
Seal have u tried 🥓 biatch
Gawd I voted for trump 🤡🇺🇸💪 biatch
I'm proud of Trump 🤡 I'm proud of Maga 💪🇺🇸 biatch
Swaggy my armpitz 💪 smell like coconut 🥥 biatch
Who else has bacon.bits biatch
I voted for trump ☑️ biatch
Am I the only loser here or just me biatch
Lots of peeps here are trans biatch
They have both genetilia 🤡 biatch
5 percent of population are hermaphrodites. biatch
Any losers here or just me biatch