Well maybe make it active
I’ve just near killed myself at the gym
Yknow what tho I did get a bit smug I was waiting for a muscle daddy to get off the leg press and I was 15kg heavier than him
He was triangle shaped, man clearly skips leg day often but like why.. why?? If you’re gonna get muscly surely you gotta do it evenly so you don’t look like a damn Dorito
Are there any real lesbians here orrr
I gained a bunch of weight and now I’m just insecure about it
Hey i‘m new here, someone wants to speeddate? Hihi
Kinda bored, hmu to spice things up!
Hi! I want accessories. I’m receiving gifts 🎁
Hii looking for girls to chat or roleplay with, pm me if interested, 25, F, AZ
Going around saying that ?