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Man it is bot hours tonight
Any hot chics?
When do my Rams beat the cowboys?
Into ag3 play or inc3st or r4p3 text me
>>> Into ag3 play or inc3st or r4p3 text me Yea, okay fbi… 😒
Evan you online?
Nate i got infinite money now 🙈
Hell yeah!!!
It’s boring now tho cuz there’s nothing for me to do 😭😭
I just go in there and give it away and leave
Thats real
I still gotta do the aether mission and be done with the acts
And then grind everything after that maybe
Oh yeah i did it earlier with 4 randoms
And act 5
And the worm at the end, with the storm
Fck yeah
I got nothing useful 😔
I still gotta do all that shet
Yeah you do
I got you if you need help
But I’m waiting for them to give me shipment 247 and I’ll prolly be on that grinding camos
Just gota find like 3-4 more people that wana do those acts
Got ya got ya
Add me sn ch luna0-10
But I’ll prolly do zombies to rank up weapons tho
Unless they do the xp boosts
Yup, you can do like 5-6 levels per match
Oh yeah we should get 2xp for Christmas
Plus if you have any 2xp tokens
Evan you never get online anymore 😒
I have 11 1hr xp weapons
Yeah I’m never gonna play that
Wtf evan?? 😰
Damn nate you gona max everything out
I might
Oh yeah i have like 20 crystals now in my stash and 35 epic wrenches and 10 blade cases and 7 scorchers
I have like 70 items in my stash now 🫣
>>> Oh yeah i have like 20 crystals now in my ... Nerd
Hell yeah
>>> Nerd Ty 🥹