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I’m sure you do
Trying to take her money huh?
So he’s a sugar ddy
No **
Where is Rae
Maybe napping
Everybody stop what you’re doing
Drop and do 20
I want $20
Me too
Ohhh DMed
I want $40
I'll take 1 million
I’ll give you 1 million for your wife
Ok deal
Is she hot tho?
Too late
Lol too late
Lmao “too late”
Ya'll quit trading your wifes
This ain't wife swap
Cuz you'll never have me
I’m a child of gawd
I'm a child of satan
I was born into this world and it said, "make this one a single not a set."
Rem would be a great wife so would Bee
I am not so sure Ob.
Have a great day
I think I am a better friend
If I wasn’t married already I would promise to love you forever in a marital bond
I need a wife and I have 1 million
>>> If I wasn’t married already I would promis... Bro. You struggle not to cheat. And I struggle to commit.
I like “friends” too
I like us as friends
That's a recipe for disster
We can be just friends
Wife 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
We would have the most toxic relationship ever
Who liked that
More toxic than an Indian swimming pool
I think would up the trauma lol
Crabby I’d marry you for the bestie experience though
Can ya'll not see who likes? Cuz I can