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成熟 & 30岁以上聊天/

40+ Men 21+ Women 🔞

>>> Yes you've slain me oh mighty man 🥹 THANK YOU
Oh what a lie i said.. i said i knew how to shoot guns instead of i shot guns
That's all I wanted! Jeez you could said that 10 min ago and saved us all time
I must be burned at the stake
>>> How about one of you block the other and j... Chill. We're just screwing around
Are we? Lol you literally gave me an ick
Than you would become a crispy snake we wouldn’t want that
It don’t sound like it from my pov
Well I'm just screwing around haha
>>> Well I'm just screwing around haha-... You are not funny
As you can see im not insulting you or attacking you as usual and does that tell you anything?
See the horse thinks I'm funny
Clearly it doesn't.
Anyways. How is everyone else doing?
Well I'm not agreeing to anything but I'm trying to hear you out
I’m good, got to have dinner with my son today.
Nice. How old
Doing good! Anything fun happened today?
Nope this was quite a horrible day lol i was at a graveyard and then i went home got ready and went to have a lot of drinks
>>> Doing good! Anything fun happened today?-... When you showed your face it was funny
And to top it off every single man at the club was just.. so pathetic 🥲
My condolences dark 😢
I’m trying.
Thank you but its been years and years
Hi there
How are u mate?
How’s it going, Dive?
Busy at work
Good. Chilling
Wait a min i brb
Don't know
Ask someone who you're comfortable with
Lmao right
I’m comfortable with you now
Oh. Then bzzzbzzz
i give great advice 😏
hey creative 😘
I can repeat great advice
hope the nights treating you well
Hi tot!
So far so good
good 😊, how’re you doing starshine ?
Sheep.. at this point just cut it off.. you clearly don't know how to use it
That's a chick though Ohhhh....
Hm piggy where are you from?