Mohit 30 here
Looking for chat partoner
Don't have distance relationship
It was My traumatic event
For me I met my wife here. If you feel something with them, roll the dices and go for it
>>> For me I met my wife here. If you feel som...
Wow great.. Tbh i hv met only sexters here 🤐
Well I used to be like that as well, but then I met her and I didn't want anyone else but her
Looking for a real relationship. Can verify
>>> Wow great.. Tbh i hv met only sexters here 🤐
That's sad.
>>> Looking for a real relationship. Can verify
Same.. but I'm seeking someone in their 30s.
>>> Looking for a real relationship. Can verify
Hi, can verify, i'm 21 from México, if You want dm me to met each other
Gambling isn’t a good strategy
Hi I'm looking for serious relationship
That's kind of the same thing. 😊
Anyone sad or depressed?
I'm all ears 🙂
Trying to help someone 🙂
Hi, I'm from Mexico, I'm 21 years old and I'm looking for a girl who is really interested in getting to know us
Are there any women really interested in meeting someone?
Any +35years old Asian woman here?
36m Indian living abroad.. looking for a genuine woman in her 30s
I'm looking for someone who is eager to hv heart to heart clean conversation on daily basis irrespective of anything
Same, relax day, thank god
aw just been rainy here today
Here is cloudy but hot, really Bad weather, but i'm chill jaja
too cloudy where is the sun hah
It dissapears jaja, gray day
This weather just makes you want to stay in bed.
Panties are $10 today buy me some for a sweet surprise 😋
I struggled to get out for bed this morning...
Alarm sounded at 4:45am...🥱🥱
Too many beers last
Good thanks just chilling