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成熟 & 30岁以上聊天/


I knew it ahah
Damn I just reported a message while trying to reply it
Código um Sorryyy
Voodoo im sorry
If I go to prison, so be it lol
I suppose it’s ok cause the message was inoffensive
Don’t jail me shark guy
If its not something thats reportable she won't get prisoned
Then again its anti
Been there plenty before lol
Shark guy?
One time just for posting my ginger cat
I've been there as well
Shark guy lol I mean app mod
Yeaaa lol
Who hasn’t?
Not keen on returning
Can’t post my bum
But bum is great
I wish you would!
So I must stay free from prison
Yea definitely, wouldn't want ya getting prison
I like sending ppl to prison lol
But only those who deserve it
Like me
Lol no
The 5 karma is just a little justified bonus
For having to read whatever it was they wrote
Morning all
Voodooo your so hot 😍😍😍🔥
No you 😘😘😘
Thank you 💜
We both got as hell 😝
Lmao not got
We are 🤤
Voodoo 🔥 hope you have a great day. Nice pic.
Why thank you sir 🥰
Morning all
Yvw and Ty. Sorry I did zoom. 😂 😂
Zoom harder 😌
I can’t zoom 😞
Challenge accepted🙂.