bheeeeeeee malamig na pasko ang atake ditoooo maulan hahaha
Here too bhe. Tipid sa kuryente hahaha nakapahinga rin ac 🤣
i miss my dear friends here and the laughs we share🤧
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck wood as much as it could if a woodchuck would chuck wood 🪵
Ok uncle, taken 😌 but the hat!! 😒
I can take it off now. I've worn it 4 days
uncle bucket good morning 🥰 shhh 🤫 don’t mention it😹💓
good night for him soon 🥲
Oh it's sensitive topic, sorry
Soon i’ll be hungry again. My pizza will arrive in 4hrs 😭
Where's it coming from, around the mountain?
Hahaha nearby but they open late
I like pizza with pork sausage, salami, onions, black olives, tomatoes, and green bell pepper and sometimes mushrooms
That’s a lot of toppings 🤯
Good morning good morning everyone ☺️😘