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♥️Lesbians Only🏳️‍🌈🫘🥃

Have fun yall. I’m going to eat and watch a movie.
It’s my birthday tomorrow
Oooh nice are you getting a puppy
I wish
Awh maybe a kitten or a bunny
Hahaha I can’t have pets in my flat
That sucks
What about plants or crystals
I love crystals
Do you cook em with a spoon
My crystals?
Oh lol
Oh lol
Mine too
Happy birthday!
Any plans
How was movie 🌙
It was okay. But I passed tf out. lol
I’m so sleepy
Good night
Good morning ladies
Too early 🥱
I’m already at work 😢
Hellllooo ladies
Good morning 🥱
Good morning 🗣
Why are u yelling? 😑
To wake me up
I rather be in bed rn.
Good Morning from Germany
It’s going to be in the 60s tomorrow and Thursday!! 🙌
Well i live in the 2000s
I’m going to take my 60 degree weather! 🙂‍↔️
good morning 😮‍💨
Morning Mari!! 🤗
Any les or bi girl here ? Why only scammers here 🥹🥹
More lucrative than scoring a baddie and sticking to her ig
Jajaja buenos dias mari todo bem?
It’s too early for Spanish
you’re too early for spanish olivia
She's too cansada to pensar en español
I need to listen to that in a vn
I'll work on it
You know one of your mods is a dude right? lol