Well he has been talking non stop so I’m sure there’s no big reasons prob likes to come in and out
Sometimes il see him leave and rejoin a few times in a day aswell
No not at all just thought you did there
I don’t do chat drama so that’s why I DM you I haven’t been here in days so if your observation has picked up something please tell
No I was just telling ya traveller does come and go that’s all
I’m asking you is there a problem not about a problem
Ok cool just making sure 😁
No clue wtf is even going on tbh
But what is the actual issue 🤣🤣🤣
But what are you talking about me and icy talk in pair when something comes up 🤣🤣
I just don’t no what Excatly you mean
I haven’t been in the chat in days so put it to me straight like what’s the problem
Oh 🤣🤣well bad timing on my part I guess for been here 🤣🤣🤣