Me had bad dreams sooo scary 🤧
Maaaara!! *Pounces on you* 🤗🤗
*tickles you* me good!!! How you??
Who wrote da schedule ish icky butts
Oopsiiiieee you da icky buuutts
Gasp mara da boss?? Me worky wif you and you treat me many candies???!
Yayyyyy all candies ish mine!! Wowieee mara booossy little bat!
DD!!!!! Omgggg ish been forever!!
DD!!! Me missed you more!!!! *Runnies to you and huggies*
Me good!!! How you doing??
*waits for dwagon excitedly so can tell him bout DD*
*Huggies DD tighter* aww me sowwy! Me know how dat feel, it will get better and it be otays!
Dwagon!! Look DD popup here!! And you floody butts