I'll confess I like dominant woman
Y'all stop having this argument. Let people have their fun. They're not hurting anyone especially you, since you're obviously not getting involved in polyamory
Bloodyjac I'm a psychology major you're lying
If not probably means it's flimsy
Ok looks like polyamory being a mental illness is a pretty unpopular opinion
I'm guessing your fake professor agreed with you in polyamory being a mental Illness
Doesn't mean anything or it could mean anything. You have no proof they're even directly connected
Whatever = admission of defeat
You started the conversation by making the claim that polyamory isa mental Illness. You continued the conversation by implying mental illness is the cause of polyamory
You're confirmation bias is showing. You're forcing your conclusions to fit your personal dislike of that form of relationship. Your opinions haven't once been based in fact.
Honestly the people that scare me the most or the so called "normal" people. They seem to love to vilify it and use it as a catch all to understand behavior that is different from theirs
Vilify mental illness I mean
The "You must be crazy to think that" arguing
"Y'all are just coping"
Trying to dismiss facts by making the opposition sound overdramatic or unstable
Go run away it only proves against your point
Because it's your opinion and it's not based on any facts or research
Honestly I'm not even trying to defend myself. I'm trying my best to explain your position back to you and why it's extremely flawed. You sound like a very bigoted young man. I feel bad for your friends and family.