All hail the mighty green donkey who decides what words mean now apparently lmao.
Talking about you suddenly redefining the word illiterate lmao
For a sec I thought you were right but nope it’s literally a word lmao
I’m an actual graduate lmao and you didn’t even know it was a word so have you held a book?
Man imagine being so wrong you have to justlash out with info that isn’t even true lmao
Hey guys researching and proving how you are right makes you dumb. You should instead never research and only believe what you do now forever
Says the one that didn’t know humbleness was a word
Hello again person who thinks they know everything they need to know and should never research
Nope just making sure you know you sound dumber than the one who’s willing to research
This could be problematic Lmao
Oh wait did you mean like just being smart or literally physical brain
Says the person who doesn’t research
Wow two responds to one comment from the same person so obsessive
But your the one who thought it wasn’t a word lmao, so who’s brainless again?
Layla whodoesn’t even know the word humbleness exists and is hurt emotionally by me proving them wrong
Typo I’m not proofreading for the likes of you but keep trying to think I’m oh so dumb lol
Hey did you know humbleness is a word… oh you didn’t? Weird
Maybe you should’ve attended Google academy with me
Hey it got me smarter than you apparently so maybe you should try
Says you… who didn’t know the word humbleness……. Ok
I have no simps I ignore my pms