I mean the tax cuts are gonna cost 4 trillion a year
Mind you he increased the deficit before Covid his first term in office
That was before there was an amendment to limit the terms. It used to be done bcu of tradition now it’s law
Look at things in totality. Cutting useless spending doesn’t mean anything if we’re gonna lose 4 trillion in tax revenue. God forbid he does “no tax on tips” or actually uses tariffs
He had to bail out farmers during his first term bcuz of his bad policy
It’s not craving for instant gratification. If you look at the bigger picture you see he’s just cutting money and jobs from the middle class and lower to give tax cuts to the rich
Tariffs and other taxes. Self sufficiency to an extent
We stopped tariffs to benefit from global trade. And it was wctuallly McKinley who made the decision
Idk why you compare the 1800s. We didn’t have a ton of government programs
So let’s tariff everyone 25 percent across the board bcuz some country in Africa wants to tariff us close to 20 percent. Yep makes sense
My guess is the criminal activity that happens through the app particularly with minors. Anyone can download it and lie about their age and do a wide range of things bcuz of anonymity. App stores know this app and users aren’t gonna police themselves so why take on the liability
This is all my speculation. I have no proof. But I would think the app stores have some responsibility in theapps they allow their users access to.
Completely agree with Turkey. Trump admin and supporters better keep the same energy they have with Ukraine